
All posts tagged Nightmares

Dreams Frighten Me

Published April 23, 2016 by sweety5225


Are my dreams reality that hasn’t happened yet?   

I don’t know, but maybe someone out there can enlighten me.  Last night I awoke at 5 am from a dream or nightmare.  I was at a pool and approached a couple with two children, a 10 year old boy with his 6 month old sister.  The parents were very protective and the children had to stay inside and couldn’t play or be outside.  I  spoke to the parents and explained that them shielding their children was detrimental to them.  I convinced the father who was in a lounge by the pool to let me take his daughter in the pool and his son too.  Then I held the baby girl in the water so she could feel the water.  However, when I turned around the baby was floating under water.  I attempted cpr, and begged my cousin to help me revive her, but she only stated, It’s too late.  I was totally devastated, but I felt frozen in time.  When I informed the parents it was like that wasn’t their child.  I allowed their baby girl to die cause I didn’t hold onto her.  Why was I the only one who cared?  I awoke with these vivid emotions and details.  Maybe one of you can make sense of my dream.